"Friends With Kids" is a surprisingly good modern romance film, with edgy humor that is matched by the script's soulfulness and emotional intelligence. This is sort of a "chick flick," but of the modern variety with acerbic dialogue and plenty of cussing, but also with a strong emotional core, and a real point to make. The movie opens at a fancy restaurant where three couples of footloose yuppie BFFs meet for one of their regular nights on the town. A few tables away there is a family with some slightly noisy children and this of course sets the hipsters off -- breeders!! curse them!! -- until one couple announces (oopsie!) that they are going to have a kid soon. Parenthood enters all their lives and they all deal with it differently.
This movie -- written, directed by and starring Jennifer Westfeldt -- has some of the best couples-fighting scenes and she's-just-one-of-the-guys boy-girl dialogue I've seen in a film, and top-notch acting throughout. John Hamm seems like a peripheral character right up until the end when he gets two great scenes -- one loud, the other quiet -- while costars Maya Rudolph, Chris O'Dowd, Adam Scott and Kristen Wiig deliver solid performances as well. The pivotal scene in which Adam Scott's NYC uber-hipster switches teams to play for the adults is wonderfully understated, and decisively flips the script on the self-involved pretty people, using their own language and status symbols to drive home the point that you can be human as well as hip. The dramatic buildup is a little slow, but the payoff is worth it. Recommended
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