This Means War

This Means War
This is a romantic comedy combined with a spy thriller that continues to entertain with never a dull moment. The appeal of the story structure is part of the success since a beautiful woman in love with two men, trying to choose between them, is a never fail plot strategy. Having the two guys appeal to the audience as much as they appeal to the character played by Reese Witherspoon kept up the suspense. Male competition is also a great plot element and this film has the two fellows in competition while at the same time dependent on each other while serving as CIA agents.

Reese Witherspoon is excellent, as always, but during the film I realized how often she tilts her head when talking to a man, conveying almost constant seduction. One of the agents, played by Chris Pine is the playboy type and thus the viewer wonders whether Reese is the woman that can make this playboy settle down. He is contrasted with another CIA agent, played by Tom Hardy, a man with family instincts. Chelsea Handler plays Reese Witherspoon's best friend who offers terrible advice.

This is a good romantic comedy with Reese Witherspoon in rare form. She is complimented by two male actors who are perfectly cast. The script is funny and action packed. It is good entertainment.

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